The weather here in Florida has finally warmed up to what we hope for when we stay here for the winter. Let's just hope it continues for the remainder of our stay and then follows us to Georgia! We have been able to play water volleyball on a pretty regular basis with this great weather. Glenn has missed a few days due to his programming work.
The Saturday before Valentine's Day, Glenn and I drove over to Downtown Disney to see the movie "The King's Speech". It was a great movie and I can see why it was nominated for some Oscars. Glenn enjoyed it, too, but I'm sure he would have preferred something with a little more action! After the movie, we walked around a little, stopped at Ghiradelli to pick out my V-Day candy and then to the Hagen-Daaz store for an ice cream cone. It cooled off quite a bit that evening, so we didn't stay around for fireworks.
We were going to meet Sandi and Dave St. Pierre at De Leon Spring State Park for breakfast one morning, but Glenn woke up sick so we had to cancel. There is a fun restaurant there,The Sugar Mill, and what makes it unique is the built in griddle at each table. They bring you pancake batter or eggs and you cook them yourself! We first went there with my Aunt Barb and Grandma. Not sure if we'll have time to reschedule :(
I have been working on the kits for my classes at the FMCA convention, still have some work to do to finish them. I think I'll work on them today while watching the Daytona 500.
We ran into friends we had met last year in Arizona, Rosie and Ted Haney, here. Ted helped Glenn fix the awning on the motorhome and we all went to CiCi's for pizza Friday. That's what makes our travels so much fun, re-connecting with friends we've met all over the country!
Next week we plan to travel towards the East coast to find a spot to watch the shuttle launch. We won't go all the way to the Cape, but find a parking lot somewhere. We have learned that the launch can be seen over the lake here at the campground, so we have that option, also.
I received my first Studio J layouts yesterday. I'm really pleased with the way they turned out, but won't give up doing scrapbook pages the traditional way. But it will be great to have the option of digital if I don't have the ambition to pull out my supplies to make pages. If you didn't see the layouts on Facebook, just click on the Studio J tab at the top of my blog to view them.
Well, the race is about to start, see ya at the checkered flag!!