Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lakeview Park

Hi!  It's me - the world's worst blogger!  LOL  It's been WAY too long since my last post, but in reality, I blog all the time.  It's just in my head and it never seems to make it to the computer. It's not that I'm not on the computer (Facebook, Pinterest, Candy Crush, all those great time wasters), I just never seem to make it to Blogger.  Anywhooo....I'll try once again to post more regularly.  We have some great travels planned in the near future and I would love to share them with you!

It was a gorgeous spring day (even though spring hasn't "officially" arrived yet) so Glenn suggested a picnic lunch at a nearby county park.  Lakeview Park is on the shores of Clear Lake.  It's a beautiful park and they don't charge an entrance fee like the state parks do.  I made some tuna salad, packed a couple of drinks, camera, binoculars, bird book and my Kindle.  Glenn grabbed his fishing pole and off we went.  You can't beat this view!

After eating our lunch, Glenn did some fishing or should I say "casting"?  He's still learning what the fish like here.  A gentleman came over to talk to him and it was a writer for the local newspaper.  He writes an outdoor column twice a week.  He gave Glenn a couple of tips, but it didn't result in any bites.  I'm excited to be able to post a picture of him with his first catch in California.  The lures they use here are as big as the fish we are used to catching in Ohio!

While Glenn was fishing, I was on the lookout for birds.  Nothing new for my life list today, but I did see Tree Swallows, Buffleheads, Canada Geese, Sage Wren, Yellow-rumped Warbler and American Coots.  When I wasn't watching the birds, I was soaking up the sun and reading.
We headed back to Bellhaven (our current work place, I promise to post more about that later).  I spent a little time cleaning windows in one of the cottages, then finished up cooking our evening meal - crockpot pork roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas.  It was delicious!

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