Red Box Journey

***If you are returning to this page, updates are added at the bottom of the page*** Thanks for coming back and following my journey!

6/21 Another week on my Red Box journey.  The most amazing thing with this program is the end of my sugar cravings!  In the past, I was constantly snacking, mostly on sweets if there were any.  But, if I couldn't find any, I would whip up a batch of cookies.  And they never lasted more than a couple of days!  It was especially bad if I was bored.  Right now, we are in a bit of limbo, waiting on repairs on the motorhome.  It's hard to start a project if you don't know when you have to pack it all up to be pulled in to the repair shop.  Therefore, I'm a bit bored.  But no desire to bake!
I've also noticed a few less aches & pains at night, sleeping a bit better and not dozing off all the time.
I didn't see much change in my weight this week.  But after the big loss last week, I'm not too surprised.  They see that all the time on Biggest Loser, right?
Here's this weeks results:

Weight - 228.0  down .6       Total to date  Down 10.2#
Neck no change                     Down .5"
L.Arm  -.25"                          Down .75"
R.Arm no change                  Down  .25"
Chest  -.5"                             Down  .1.5"                           
Ribs  no change                     Down  1"
Waist  -.5"                             Down   2"
Stomach-.5"                          Down  2"                         
Hips  -.75"                             Down 1.75"
L.Thigh  -1"                          Down 1.25"
R.Thigh  -.5"                         Down .75"
L.Calf   -.5"                          Down .75"
R.Calf   -.25                          Down . 75"

Total inches lost to date:  13.25"                     

At the end of my 8 day challenge, the scales showed I had lost 9.6 pounds!  I was thrilled!  I also lost a total of 8.5 inches.  Here's how that breaks down:

6/14 Weight 228.6
Neck -.5"
L.Arm -.5"
R.Arm  -.25"
Chest -1"
Ribs  -1"
Waist  -1.5"
Stomach  -1.5"
Hips -1"
L.Thigh -.25"
R.Thigh -.25"
L.Calf -.25"
R.Calf  -.5"

In order to hold myself more accountable, I thought I would add this page to my blog.

After seeing the fantastic results Pamela O'Connor was getting with her Red Box, I decided to take the plunge and invest in my health and well being. I really need to break my sugar addiction and lose some weight!  As much as I hate publishing these photos, here is my before:

(I'm not sure why these are streak-y.  Either my camera or SD card is going bad)
You'll have to ignore the clutter, also.  Things get that way fast in a motorhome and I wanted to get Glenn to take these before I forgot.
To further add to my embarrassment,  I am going to post my beginning measurements and weight.  It's all about accountability, please don't judge!
June 6, 2014  Starting weight 238.2 pounds
Neck - 15"
L. Arm - 13.75"
R. Arm - 14"
Chest - 46"
Ribs - 38.5"
Waist - 44.5"
Stomach- 51" 
Hips - 51.5"
L. Thigh 27"
R. Thigh 28"
L. Calf - 16.75"
R. Calf - 16.75"
So there you have it!  I don't have too many followers so it's not like it's going on Facebook!  Lol
I also walked today.  A bit faster pace than usual, but I've signed up for a 5K walk/run at the annual Close To My Heart convention and need to get ready for it.  I managed 2.1 miles in about 40 minutes.  I was aiming for 1 hour or 3 miles, whichever came first, but it was hotter than I thought and since my calorie intake is way down today, I didn't want to over-do the first day.
I haven't really experience any hunger today.  My toughest time will be the evenings when I'm prone to snacking while watching TV.
Last year before convention, I went shopping for clothes to take with me.  This was probably in March or April and convention was the end of June (I think).  I had lost some weight and was able to just fit into a size smaller than I had been wearing.  BUT, I got lax in my eating and exercise in the next couple of months.  I had to go shopping again because the clothes I had bought earlier were too tight!  So my first goal is to be able to wear the clothes I didn't get to wear to convention last year, this year.  We shall see in about 3 weeks.
If you would like to find out more about this program, email me at or message me on Facebook.  I'd be happy to tell you more!
Day 3 - I'm down 3.4 pounds and the best part - I haven't experienced much hunger and no sugar cravings.  For me, that is huge!  I'll probably take my measurements when I am halfway through this 8 day challenge.
Day 4 - I was hoping to reach the 5 pound mark this morning, but to my surprise, I was down 6.2!  I'm very excited!  Each day I need to drink half my weight in ounces of water.  I've come close most days and yesterday I drank it all and a little more.  The downside is all that water has to go somewhere!  Many trips to the bathroom!  Good thing we have a sewer hook up at this campground!

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