Thursday, January 27, 2011

Close call!

Tuesday (1/25), we moved from the Thousand Trails Orlando campground to the Hernando County Airport for the SouthEast Area Rally of the Family MotorCoach Association.  I followed Glenn this time instead of towing the truck.  He is still concerned about the fuel leak that we thought was fixed.  All went well and when we got parked the left leveler even worked!!  We are parked right on the main drag near the office with full hookups.  There ARE rewards for volunteering!  Glenn will be the Safety Officer for this rally.

Cool!  As I'm writng this, I looked out the window and noticed the "markers" they just dropped from an airplane to check wind speed and direction (I'm guessing at this!).  Glenn had heard they would be a lot of practicing going on with drops and parachutists this month.  Extra entertainment!

Back to my story....Bad weather was predicted for Tuesday afternoon and evening in Florida.  We were glad to get set up before it came in.  We watched the skies and the radar and about 4:30pm, Glenn decided to pull in the slides of the motorhome and move to a steel building on the property to weather out the storm (us not the motorhome).  It is rated for up to 120 mph winds.  It was a nasty looking sky as we stood at the doorway watching.  Then the rain and wind came hard and fast!  It was a good thing the tents weren't up and there were no trees around.  I'm sure we would have seen some damage. 

About 5:30pm it was looking like the worst was over so 6 couples headed out to dinner.  Just about a mile down the road, we could see a lot of tree limbs down and at least one metal roof laying on the side of the road.  Not sure if it was a tornado, but what a mess!  And in just one small area.  We are so fortunate that we had no damage to the motorhomes parked here and especially glad we didn't get any hail!  BTW, we ate at the Red Mule.  It was a small, pub-type eatery.  The sandwiches were delicious and we had a lot of laughs with the group!

Glenn has been busy doing his "safety thing" here prior to the start of the rally.  It officially runs Feb.2 - 6.  Every day, more volunteers arrive, the big vendor tent is being constructed and soon the display motorhomes will arrive.  We have attended the rally several times, but never as volunteers, so it is fun to watch everything come together.

While Glenn has been busy, I'm finally trying out some digital scrapbooking!  Close To My Heart (CTMH) has a wonderful, FREE program.  In the past couple of days, I have made 4 - 2 page layouts while sitting comfortably on the couch.  And no mess!  The beauty of this program is I pay nothing until I order the pages and since the digital papers match the "real", I can re-create these pages with traditional materials if I want to play with paper and glue.  All of the design work is done so I know exactly what materials I need to pull out to make the pages.  If you would like to check out this program, just click on the "Studio J" badge on the sidebar of this blog.

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